Table View vs. List View


When identifying features, you have the ability to view your data in a tabular Excel-like format without leaving your map. In this article we'll identify some sanitary structures and then demonstrate how to switch between the List and Table views available for displaying results. We'll first turn on the targeted layer--in this case, our sanitary layer--and use the rectangular identify tool to select a group of sanitary features to observe in our results window.


Once all your features are selected, the layers list will turn into our default results list where you can find all of your target features that were identified.


If you'd prefer to see your results in a table format, just select the Menu button (otherwise known as the Hamburger button!) in the top right corner of the identify results list.


Once the button is selected a drop down list will appear. Select the first option at the top of the list, "Switch to Table." This will swap your results to the table format.


Your results will then appear in a table.


The table view is best for viewing multiple features and their attributes simultaneously. The list view is best when you need to quickly navigate between individual features within your list of identified results.

Switching back between the different views is as simple as selecting the hamburger button and selecting which view you prefer!