How AssetAlly Can Help Your Community Prep for Spring

Spring has sprung! Well, maybe not quite yet... but it’s getting closer! Winter can be a chaotic time of year for municipalities dealing with snow removal, frozen pipes, property damage from snowplows, and more. AssetAlly is here to help your municipality prepare for spring and get the most out of your GIS by completing sign inventories and performing inspections when cleaning infrastructure.

Sign Inventory

Pole and sign damage are common throughout the winter months due to snow and ice covered roads. Luckily, AssetAlly is equipped with the necessary tools to help complete your spring sign inventory and create work orders for signs damaged throughout the winter months.

Utilize the Add/Move/Delete Street Pole tool to help keep your sign inventory up to date.

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Entering the Sign Support Dashboard is an easy and efficient way to record damage and indicate when a support pole or sign needs to be replaced.

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To create a Work Order to replace a damaged sign, click on the pole/sign/light symbol on your map, and click on the Create Work Order button in the map tip.

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In the Work Order dashboard enter any necessary information and add a note in the Nature of Complaint comment field.

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Perform Inspections when Cleaning Catch Basins

Not much can compare to a fresh blanket of snow falling and covering our trees, yards, and roads, but what happens when that snow melts? It travels through storm infrastructure carrying garbage and debris, often leading to clogged catch basins. Make the most of your time when cleaning catch basins by adding structure attribute data and performing inspections.

Adding data and inspections to catch basins is easy with the help of AssetAlly. First, locate the catch basin that is being cleaned on your map and go into the dashboard.

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To complete an inspection during the cleaning process, click on the tab marked Inspections in the dashboard, then select Add Inspection.


Complete the Inspection form and click save.

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Any items marked as needing to be replaced will create a list of repairs that catch basin needs.


Turning on the Facilities Needing Repair Layer will also show you where repairs are needed after completing an inspection.

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Learn More

Questions on how AssetAlly can help your community prepare for spring? Please contact us today.!